Barry - Barry is twenty-six and manages the Game Haven where Ethan works.Ethan and Ted have a deep relationship of mutual hatred. Ted - Ted is a penguin, an homage to the Linux penguin, Tux.Recently, Zeke suffered a system crash when he was accidentally hit by a water balloon and short-circuited. Ethan, in a bout of pity, named the robot "Ezekiel" and informed it that he had installed a humanity program in it, though what he had actually installed was a ball of lint. After some bad experiences, Zeke decided it didn't want to be human after all. It has previously embarked upon a quest for humanity, however it was not successful. It walks, talks, thinks, plays computer games (it was good at Halo until Ethan handicapped its halo skills), and eats bandwidth. Ezekiel - Zeke (for short), formally known as the "X-bot", is a creation of Ethan's, an anthropomorphised Xbox console.Interestingly, although Lilah has been mentioned several times around him, Scott has never actually met (or been told about) Lilah. He is quiet, intelligent, and introspective, and a devout practitioner of meditation. Scott - A twenty-three year old web designer and Linux user, Scott firmly believes that Microsoft is evil and that Linux will someday come into its glory this is in stark contrast to Ethan, who worships Microsoft.Though calm and responsible, she finds herself strangely drawn to Ethan's character. Lilah - Smart and attractive, Lilah smashed Ethan's preconception that girls (or at least, pretty ones) don't play video games, after which they began dating.Cynical and sarcastic, Lucas is a programmer, and works Customer Service at Compu-World. He is something of a slacker, prepared to enjoy a good video game over actual work. Lucas - Twenty-two years old, Lucas is more level-headed and down to Earth than Ethan.He also works as a sales clerk at Game Haven. He is dating Lilah, to the dismay of some others. His antics are the focus of the strip, and have resulted in many a story arc. Ethan - A twenty-one year old game fanatic, amateur artist and sometime alcoholic.His behavior typically incites anger in his companions. Every year at Winter-een-mas, Ethan dons a crown and proclaims himself king. Little is told about its traditions, however there are several spirits which represent the different genres of gaming (such as fighting or real-time strategy) who fly around the world on Winter-een-mas Eve in a giant ethereal gamepad ( ). It was created as a holiday for all things concerning gamers or gaming. Absath has detailed the holiday: the season lasts all of January, much like the Christmas season, but the actual holiday itself is January 25 to January 31. Ironically, the Februstrip ( ) turned the tables, with Ethan shooting an arrow at and killing Absath, who was present in the comic to discuss the fact that he had drawn 100 Ctrl+Alt+Del strips.Ĭtrl+Alt+Del also features a post- New Year's holiday dubbed Winter-een-mas ( ). It's a gag joke taken from a cult classic comedy called The Kentucky Fried Movie. An explanation was finally given in the first collection book (Insert Coin: CAD Volume 1).

There are several strips in which Ethan is killed (or at least gravely injured) by arrows shot from out of frame. There are several in-jokes, the most notable concerning arrows. There are occasional story arcs, but those again have little effect on continuity as a whole. There is very little continuity between strips, with Ethan being killed in numerous violent encounters and returning unscathed in the next comic. Most of the humor in the comic concerns video games, but some is also bred of violence, with more still coming from the strip's randomness. The strip features a pair of gamers, Ethan and Lucas, as the main characters, as well as a Linux user, Scott, and a female gamer, Lilah, also Ethan's girlfriend. It premiered on October 23, 2002, and is currently updated every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. CAD's tagline is "Tragically l337", a nod to The Tragically Hip.
The name refers to computing's most common three-finger salute, which on Windows systems is control-alt-delete. For the keyboard shortcut, see Control-Alt-Delete.Ĭtrl+Alt+Del (CAD) is a gaming-related web comic written by Tim Buckley, known online as Absath. This article is about Ctrl+Alt+Del, the web comic. The title of this article is incorrect because of technical limitations.